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Ian Rictor: Wati Kutjara 2018


  • No.:RK1558
  • Medium:Acrylic on Linen
  • Size:137 × 90 cm
  • Year:2018
  • Region:Spinifex Country
  • Art Centre:Spinifex Arts Project
  • Status:

Ian has depicted country or significant sites associated with Wati Kutjara Tjukurpa (Two Men Creation Line). This is an epic that follows two water serpents, a father and his son, as they travel south through Sinifex Country on ceremonial business. The young son is volatile and the father watches him carefully. These are Creation beings who manifest as man and animal. Powerful shape shifters who carve and mould the story and the landscape as they move through it. At Kamanti, the two men leave their presence in the form of rockholes that serve as ever present reminders of the power involved and still present today.

Special provisions apply to this artwork. Reproductions of the artwork and its story in part or in whole in any form require the permission of the artist. We are only too happy to be of assistance in this matter.