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Ian Rictor: Tuwan 2015


  • No.:RK1291
  • Medium:Acrylic on Linen
  • Size:140 × 137 cm
  • Year:2015
  • Region:Spinifex Country
  • Art Centre:Spinifex Arts Project
  • Status:

„Nyangatja kapi piti kapi pulka ini Tuwan ka nyangatja Tjukurpa Kurparuku ka wati tjuta Tuwanlawanu Euclalakutu anu munuya Euclanya wiyaringu. Ka kapi piti kutjupa Kanmati munu Pirili nyangatja Minyma Tjutaku Tjukurpa.“

This painting is of a water source and creation site named Tuwan. At Tuwan the ancestral beings were magpie men who eventually made their way to Eucla on the coast where they perished. The other rockholes are Kanmati and Pirili which is an important creation site for the 'seven Sisters'.

Ian Rictor emerged from a fully traditional life in Spinifex Country in 1986. He was born at a place called Artulin, to the north of Tjuntjuntjara and grew up in the surrounding areas of Tuwan, Tilutjipi, Kamanti, Wiritjara, Mantaratjara, Parntaltjipi, Tjili and Palka Palka which he shows in this painting. Ian is a fully initiated man, who is knowlegable in many areas within Spinifex. He always paints his country and associated stories.

Special provisions apply to this artwork. Reproductions of the artwork and its story in part or in whole in any form require the permission of the artist. We are only too happy to be of assistance in this matter.

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