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Myra (Yurtiwa) Cook(e) Purungu: Lirrun 2014


  • No.:RK1256
  • Medium:Acrylic on Cotton
  • Size:76,2 × 76,2 cm
  • Year:2014
  • Region:Ngaanyatjarra Lands
  • Art Centre:Warakurna Artists
  • Status:

Myra Yurtiwa Cook was born at a special place called Kartjinguku, a creek situated near Warakurna.

This painting depicts a story from Myra's mother's country, Lirrun. A Snake Man came from the south af Pukarra. He had been trying to steal a girl to become his wife. She called all the Feather-foot men and they chased him away, back to Pukarra.

Special provisions apply to this artwork. Reproductions of the artwork and its story in part or in whole in any form require the permission of the artist. We are only too happy to be of assistance in this matter.